
8.哦,你放了很多辣椒.Ah, I’ve added too much chili.

9.我吃饱了.I‘m full.

10.没想到你做的饭真好吃!I’d never imagined you cou- ld cook so well!

11.多吃点儿肉!Eat a little more meat!

12.汤好了吗,我想喝.Is the soup ready, I‘d like to have some.

13.这个不熟,再去煮一煮吧.This isn’t hot, go and boil it again cook.

14.这里有辣椒,你可以自己取.We have chili , go and help yourself.

15.我要再吃一碗米饭.I would like another bowl of rice.

1. 这个周末我们去野餐吧.This weekend, we are going for a picnic.

2. 明天我们去郊区野餐,你也来吧.Tomorrow we are going to the suburbs for a picnic, will you come?

3.我需要带些什么?What do I need to bring?

4.我带饮料,你带食物吧.I‘ll bring drinks, you bring food.

5.我去买一些野餐吃的食物.I’m going to buy some food for the picnic.

6. 把准备好的东西都放到车里吧.Put the things we have pre-pared in the car.

7. 记得带一块儿布.Remember to bring a piece of cloth.

8.你还要带伞吗?Do you still want to bring an umbrella?

9.检查一下,东西都带齐了吗?Have you checked that ever-ything is ready?

10.多带一些垃圾袋子吧.Bring some extra rubbish ba- gs.

11.明天早上7点在我家门口见面.Let‘s meet tomorrow morning at 7 by my front door.

12.我会带一些自己做的披萨.I’ll bring some pizzas I made myself.

13.5瓶水够吗?Is 5 bottles of water enough?

14.你想玩儿羽毛球还是打扑克?Would you like to play badm- inton or play poker?

15.别忘了带录音机.Don‘t forget to bring a tape recorder.

1. 我们要找一块空地.We need to find an open space.

2. 这里不错,有一条河.This place isn’t bad, there is a river.

3.先把东西都放好吧.Let‘s put everything down first.

4.那儿有蚂蚁.There are ants here.

5.这太热 ,我们换一个地方吧.It’s too hot here, let‘s mo-ve to another place.

6. 你选的野餐地方太漂亮了.This picnic spot we have chosen is beautiful.

7. 快过来,我们先照张相.Come quickly, lets first take a photo.

8.John快把扑克牌拿出来.John, quickly get out the poker cards.
