
5.再买点儿盐吧.Buy some more salt.

6. 哦,盐快用完了.Ah, we are running out of salt.

7. 我买了牛肉,晚上做牛肉.I‘ve bought some beef, let’s make it tonight.

8.你想吃牛肉还是猪肉.Would you like to eat beef or pork?

9.还有咖喱吗?Do you still have some curry?

10.我先列一个购物清单吧.First, I‘ll give you a shopping list.

1. 晚上想吃什么,我给你做?What would you like to eat tonight, I could cook for you?

2. 今天晚上朋友要来,我打算给他们做一次饭.Tonight, my friend is coming over, I plan to cook for them for the first time.

3.我要做我的拿手菜.I want to cook my speciality dish.

4.我找不到锅了.I can’t find a pan.

5.我刚学会了一道菜,今天我们试试吧.I just learnt a new course, let‘s try it today.

6. 糟糕,好像没有盐了.Oh no, out of salt.

7. 我放的盐太多了.I’ve put in too much salt.

8.这个菜有点生.This dish is a little undercooked.

9.我做的西红柿鸡蛋汤怎么样?How about I make tomato and egg soup?

10.我很喜欢在家做饭.I really like cooking at home.

11.需要帮忙吗?Do you need any help?

12.请把油给我.Please pass me the oil.

13.啊,我切到手了.Ah, I‘ve cut my hand.

14.这个菜应该多放盐.This dish needs a little salt.

15.再等10分钟,我做的饭就好了.Please wait another 10 min- utes, and food will be ready.

16.我做饭,你洗碗,好吗?I’ll cook, you wash dishes, OK?

17.这是我第一次做饭.This is the first time I have cooked.

18.我只要两个土豆,你洗一下吧.I just want 2 potatoes, pl-ease wash.

19.你想吃咸一点还是淡一点?Do you like a little salty, or a little blander?

20.做这个菜,需要1个小时.I need one hour to cook.

1. 饭做好了,快来吃吧.Dinner is ready, come to eat!

2. 先去洗手.First go and wash your hands.

3.把筷子和碗拿过来.Bring bowls and chopsticks.

4.汤太烫了,等一下再喝.The soup is very hot, wait a moment!

5.我最喜欢妈妈做的咖喱饭了,真好吃.My mother‘s curry is my favourite, truly delicious.

6. 尝尝我的拿手菜.Taste my speciality dish.

7. 我第一次做这个菜,不知道怎么样?This is the first time I have made this dish, how is it?
