noon, so please contact my secretary.
3 Going Shopping
1 Buying Clothes 购买衣服
1. 我想买一件T恤,可以去哪买?I need to buy a T-shirt, can I go and buy one?
2. 明天周末,去逛街吧?It‘s the weekend tomorrow, can we go shopping?
3.明天有时间吗?我想去买衣服.Are you free tomorrow? I’d like to go clothes shopping.
4.上次你买的那件衣服很漂亮,我也想去买一件.That clothes you bought last time are beautiful, I also want one.
5.我们去哪逛街?Where are we going shopp-ing?
6. 那家店几点开门?What time does that shop open?
7. 下班后我打算去逛街.After work, I plan to go shop- ping.
8. 我想买一件衣服送给我的姐姐.I want to buy an item of clo- thes for my sister.
9.我家附近新开了一个商场,一起去看看吧.A new mall has been opened near my home, let‘s take a look together.
10.明天9点商场门口见.I’ll meet you at the door of the mall at 9 o‘clock.
11.你经常去买衣服吗?Do you often go clothes sho- pping?
12.以前的衣服都瘦了,我要去买新衣服.All my clothes are too small for me, I need to go and buy new ones.
13最近的商场在哪?Where is the nearest Mall?
14.下个月我要结婚了,你知道哪有好看的婚纱吗?I’m getting married next month, do you know where has nice wedding dresses?
15.现在那个商场在打折,想去看看吗?Right now that shop has a sale, would you like to have a look?
16.给我介绍一些逛街的好地方吧.Show me the good places to go shopping!
17.好久没逛街了.I haven‘t gone shopping in ages.
18.Linda约我明天去逛街.Linda organised to go shop-ping tomorrow.
19.我该买衣服了.I need to buy some clothes.
1. 哪些是新款?Which is the new style?
2. 有男士衬衣吗?Do you have men’s shirts?
3.有粉色的吗?Do you have a pink one?
4.给我拿一个黑色的看看.Can I have a look at the bla-ck one?
5.有没有袖子长一点儿的?Do you have one with longer sleeves?
6. 我不喜欢这种风格的.I don‘t like this style.
7. 今年最流行的是哪一款?What is fashionable this year?