

4.请让李经理接电话.Please get Mr Li to pick up the phone.

5.我给你转接到相关部门.I‘ll transfer you to the relevant department.

6. 他的电话占线,你过一会儿再打吧.His line is busy, please call back later.

7. 我把电话给他.I gave him the phone.

8. 让秘书和他说吧.Let the secretary speak to him.

9.我已经帮你转接了,可是没人接.I’ve already help to transfer you, but nobody has picked up the phone.

10请稍等,我让他接电话.Please hold, I‘ll get him to pick up the phone.

11.他在楼上,您稍等一下.He is upstairs, please hold on.

12.王先生,您的电话.Mr Wang, phone for you.

13.Tom,你的电话,John找你.Tom, there is a call for you. It’s John.

14.您可以拨分机号003找李经理.You can dial extension 003 to find Mr Li.

15.Jack,快来接电话.Jack, quickly come pick up the phone.

1. 您能大声一点儿吗?Can you speak a little louder?

2. 我在地铁里,信号不好.I‘m on the subway, there is bad signal.

3.这儿人很多,刚才你说什么?There are lots of people here, what did you just say?

4.现在信号不好,我十分钟以后再打给你.The signal is bad, I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.

5.您能再说一次吗?Could you say that again?

6. 我听不清楚.I can‘t hear clearly.

7. 是fourteen还是 forty?Was that 14, or 40?

8. 我听不到你说话.I can’t hear you.

9.我听不清楚,你给我发短信吧.I can‘t hear clearly, send me a short message.

10这儿很吵.It’s so noisy here!

11.不好意思,你能说慢一点吗?I‘m sorry, could you speak a little slower?

12.你在哪?电话里有杂音.Where are you? Your phone has interference.

13.我的手机声音很小,麻烦您再说一次.The volume on my phone is very low, could I trouble you to say that again?


15.您是说下午4点是吗?Did you say 4 in the afternoon?

1. 再见.Goodbye.

2. 待会见!See you later!

3.好了,我要挂电话了.Great, I need to ring off.

4.已经很长时间了,改天再聊吧.It has already been a while, Let’s chat again another time.

5.我先挂了,晚上再给你打.I‘ll go now, but will call you back tonight.
