

Making an Apology

1. 对不起.Excuse me.

2. 不好意思.I‘m embarrassed.

3.我不是故意的.I did not intend.

4.是我的错.It was my mistake.

5.我真的很抱歉.I’m truly very sorry.

6. 请原谅.Please forgive me.

7. 你会原谅我吗?Can you forgive me?

8. 很抱歉打扰你.I‘m sorry for troubling you.

9.我承认我错了.I admit it was my mistake.

10.抱歉让你等这么长时间.Sorry for keeping you wait- ing so long.


Accepting an Apology

1. 没关系. Forget it.

2. 我原谅你了.I forgive you.

3.我没有生气.I’m not angry.

4.希望下次不会发生同样的事.I hope this won‘t happen next time.

5.我很高兴你知道错了.I glad you can see your mist- ake.

6. 不是你的错.It wasn’t your fault.

7. 我早原谅你了.I had forgiven you beforehand.

8. 下次小心一点儿.Next time be a little more careful.

9.我接受你的道歉.I accept your apology.

10.我已经不生气了.I had not been angry.


Asking Opinions

1. 你觉得怎么样?What do you think?

2. 你同意哪一个?Which one do you agree with?

3.你有什么意见吗?What is your opinion?

4.我能跟你商量一下吗?Can I talk this over with you?

5.我想听听你的想法.I‘d like to listen to your idea.

6. 哪个更好?Which is better?

7. 你帮我看看吧.Help me have a look.

8. 这个主意怎么样?How is this plan?

9.你决定吧.You decide.

10.我不知道怎么办.I don’t know what to do.


Making Suggestions

1. 我觉得你的想法不太好.I don‘t think it’s a good idea.

2. 我有一个好主意.I have a good idea.

3.我想给你一些建议.I‘d like to give you some suggestions.

4.这是我的看法.This is my view.

5.听听别人的意见.Listen to other people’s ideas.

6. 你应该试试.You should try.

7. 你不觉得那样更好吗?Don‘t you think like that is better?

8. 我建议你再考虑一下.I suggest you reconsider.

9.也许你应该听他的.Perhaps you should listen to him.  
