
5.下个周末是我的婚礼,欢迎你来参加.Next weekend is my wedding, you are welcome to come.

6. 周六你有时间吗?Do you have time on Saturday?

7. 明天你有事吗?Are you doing anything tomorrow?

8. 晚上一起去酒吧,怎么样?Would you like to go to the pub tonight?

9.你想去博物馆吗?Would you like to go to the Museum?

10.下周我们去野餐,你去吗?Next week we are going to have a picnic, are you going?


Accepting an Invitation

1. 我愿意去.I would be willing to go.

2. 好的,明天见.Great, see you tomorrow.

3.太好了,我正想去呢.Great, I‘m thinking of going.

4.明天我有空儿.I’m free tomorrow.

5.没问题.No problem.

6. 我带我的朋友一起去.I‘ll bring my friend and go together.

7. 好的,我很感兴趣.Great, I’m really interested.

8. 我没有什么安排.I have no plans.

9.走吧.Let‘s go!

10.我现在就去.Let just go!


Refusing an Invitation

1. 恐怕我没有时间.I’m afraid I don‘t have any time.

2. 不好意思,那天我没时间.I’m sorry, that day I have no time.

3.我很累,想休息了.I‘m tired, so would like to rest.

4.改天,怎么样?How about another day?

5.我没心情.I’m not in the mood.

6. 最近我很忙,没有时间.I‘ve been so busy recently, so I have no time.

7. 我有别的安排.I have other plans.

8. 你可以找别的人.You can find someone else.

9.我可能没有时间.I possibly won’t have the time.

10.我真希望我能去.I truly wish I could go.


On a Date

1. 和你约会我很开心.I‘m so happy to be on a date with you.

2. 希望有机会能和你约会.I hope I have a chance to take you out on a date.

3.今天晚上你很美!You look beautiful tonight.

4.他们开始约会了.They have started dating.

5.今天晚上我有约会.Tonight I have a date.

6. 这是个约会的好地方.It’s a great place for a date. 7.

7.他已经约了我3次了.He already arranged the date with me 3 times.

8. 我讨厌和她约会.I‘m sick of dating her.

9.昨天的约会很浪漫!Yesterday’s date was so romantic!

10.祝你约会成功.Hope the dates a success!
