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News Background新闻背景Hollywood has shaped our perception of the American West. Images of cowboys in saloons,American Indians in feather headdresses, and outlaws robbing trains at gunpoint come to mind.

But visitors to the “Faces of the Frontier” exhibition organized by the National Portrait Galleryhere in Washington can learn more about the real personalities who helped shape the West.

(Faces of the Frontier)Some faces and names are familiar, like Sitting Bull, the Dakota Indian chief whose warriorsdefeated and massacred George. Other faces and names are not as well remembered. CuratorFrank Goodyear included them among the portraits of 115 men and women he chose for theexhibit. Some of those people had a huge impact, like Joseph Glidden, whose invention of barbedwire transformed the open landscape of the West into cattle ranches.

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5Part 1Listening Comprehension


1 the National Portrait Gallery; the real personalities2. D 3. D Key(Western Voices)There are explorers like John Wesley Powell, the fi rst white man to navigatethe entire length of the Colorado River. Artists like Thomas Moran and AlbertBierstadt, who painted sweeping landscapes and photographer EadweardMuybridge, who used his camera to capture more authentic images of the West.

“Faces of the Frontier” shows the people behind those changes.

1. But visitors to the “Faces of the Frontier” exhibition organized byhere in Washington can learn more about whohelped shape the West.

2. Which statement about the “Faces of the Frontier” is right? ( )A. “Faces of the Frontier” exhibition is organized by the National PortraitGallery.

B. “Faces of the Frontier” exhibition is held in New York.

C. Visitors to the “Faces of the Frontier” exhibition can learn more about thereal personalities who helped shape the West.

D. All of the above are right.

3 Which one of the followings is mentioned in the article? ( )A. Some faces and names are familiar, like Sitting Bull, the Dakota Indian chiefwhose warriors defeated and massacred George.

B. Some of those people had a huge impact, like Joseph Glidden, whoseinvention of barbed wire transformed the open landscape of the West intocattle ranches.

C. There are explorers like John Wesley Powell, the fi rst white man to navigatethe entire length of the Colorado River.

D. All of the above are mentioned.

outlaw n.

逃犯,歹徒portrait n.

肖像,画像warrior n.

战士massacre v.

大屠杀transform v.

改变ranch n.

牧场navigate v.

横渡authentic a.

