Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(2)

3Global Interesting News 环球趣闻

Part 1

1 Such unconditional love and comfort, Joseph explains, is what makes therapy dogs able toconnect with people regardless of how young or how old they are. 这句话中,Joseph explains是插入语,然后是由what引导的表语从句,what makes therapy dogs able to connect withpeople 即,使医疗犬能与人们接触的……而这个what就是主语Such unconditional love and comfort指代的东西;regardless of 是固定搭配,不管,不惜。

2 Joseph says working with her therapy dog was such arewarding experience that she plans to continue.这句话是从句又套一个从句的句式结构,分析此句,先是workingwith her therapy dog was such a rewarding experience,和她的医疗犬一起工作很有收获,做says的宾语,然后由that引导的从句作experience的定语。
