第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(10)

  Understands how feelings and emotions may impact on performance and controls emotions to minimise negative impact. Maintains a sense of humour and stays calm, even in trying moments. 非常明白情绪影响工作这个道理, 控制情绪以最大限度地减少情绪带来的不良影响。即便遇到“狗屎运”, 诸事不顺, 依然能保持幽默感, 保持冷静。(备注: 想一想, 成功人士, 是否都是这样的?)

  Uses coping mechanisms to deal with difficult or emotional situations over time. Understands need to be strong and positive in the face of adversity but also recognises areas of one’s own weaknesses and when to seek guidance and support. 遇到困难, 感到自己要发脾气的时候, 启动自己的应付机制。明白自己要不畏艰难, 乐观积极; 同时, 也明白自己的弱点所在, 必要时, 主动寻找别人指点迷津, 寻找支持和帮助。

  Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

  Positive indicators: 令面试官“好”的行为

  * Takes anger or stress out on nearest person.


  * Remains isolated through stressful periods. 遇到压力时, 自我封闭。

  * Volunteers for assignments for which he or she is not best suited. 主动请缨做自己不适合的事情。

  * Give importance to own feelings, but not to those of others. 更看重自己本人的感觉, 把别人的感觉排在第二位。

  8. Teamworking 团队精神

  Definition 这个能力是什么?

  Why is it important? 这个能力为什么重要?




  Works co-operatively 与人合作


  Involves others 带动别人一起工作


  Builds the team 建立团队(备注: 组建团队的能力, 才是真正的团队能力。)


  Creates teamworking 建立团队精神

  Willingly co-operates. Is not afraid to seek advice from others. Puts in extra effort when needed to help others. 乐于合作, 不害怕向别人寻求建议, 当别人需要帮助的时候, 付出额外的努力。(备注: 你理解的团队精神, 是否只是这最起码的第一阶段?)

  Actively includes individuals from diverse backgrounds in team activities. Spends time helping others think through issues. 积极带动不同背景的人参与集体活动。花时间帮着别人考虑问题。

  Proactively shares information and learning with colleagues. Addresses conflicts or issues within the team in a positive and open manner. Provides clear feedback to team members. 主动分享信息, 和同事一起学习, 以正面开放的态度处理冲突和问题。给同事提供非常清晰的反馈。

  Creates new opportunities for individuals to work together, breaking down barriers that may get in the way of effective teamworking. Challenges others to do the same. 创造机会, 让别人一起合作, 排除不利于团队有效合作的障碍。开诚布公地交流, 并坚定要求别人也像你一样。

  Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

  Positive indicators: 令面试官“好”的行为

  * Sees him or herself as better than others and fails to respect their contribution. 自视比别人强, 不尊重别人的贡献。

  * Keeps important information to him-or herself or within the immediate department. 把重要信息留给自己, 或自己的部门。
