第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(9)

  Holds people accountable for their actions and performance. Challenges individuals openly and constructively about performance problems.使人们承担起应尽的职责。开诚布公地、 建设性地质询别人的工作表现。

  Addresses longer term performance problems, removing poor performers from positions when necessary. Clearly states consequences, e.g. 'if you don't achieve this goal, this is what will happen' Provides guidance and support as well as challenge and constructive criticism. 指出长期的表现问题, 必要的时候做出开除的决定。清楚地表明后果, 比如, “如果你完不成目标, 结果会是这样的。”既给予指导和支持, 也提出建设性的质询和批评。

  Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

  Positive indicators: 令面试官“好”的行为

  * Is reluctant to address poor performance. 不好意思批评别人。(几乎所有人都有这个“毛病”!)

  * Fails to make clear the limits of acceptable behaviour. 没把行为准则说清楚。

  * Addresses poor performance in public. 公开批评别人。

  * Operates predominantly on a “do as I say” management style. 家长制作风: “按我说的办, 否则要你好看”。

  7. Self-awareness 自知之明

  Definition 这个能力是什么?

  Why is it important? 这个能力为什么重要?

  Self-awareness is an understanding of your own emotions and ‘triggers’ and how they impact on your own behaviour and/or the behaviour of others. It is also about understanding your own strengths and limitations.自知之明指的是你明白自己会闹情绪, 会有“情绪失控导火索”, 并且明白这些情绪如何左右你和他人的行为。自知之明也指的是, 你明白自己的长处, 也明白自己并非全能, 能力毕竟有限。

  Understanding oneself enables individuals better to understand and relate to others. 自知, 才能知人。(备注: 当别人情绪失控, 你要明白, 每个人都受情绪的驱使, 你自己也是这样。所以, 别太计较, 给他(她)一定时间“复原”。)


  Knows own limitations 知道自己的优缺点


  Recognises emotions 认识到自己的不良情绪是什么


  Understands impact on others 明白自己的情绪会影响别人


  Manages emotions 控制情绪

  Knows and acknowledges strengths, limitations and preferences. Recognises when one’s own value systems are offended and how this raises assumptions and biases. 知道并且承认人有优缺点, 人有好恶。能够意识到某人某事何时触犯了你的价值观, 并且意识到, 当你的价值观被触犯的时候, 你所做出的判断可能是错误的, 是带有偏见的。(备注: 举例说明, 你不喜欢拜金的人, 当一个客户向你表示不满的时候, 你理所当然地认为他(她)肯定是为钱的事情而不满, 所以心里很瞧不起他(她)。而这, 恰恰可能是你“想当然”的一个错误。)

  Recognises the situations that arouse strong emotions and personal bias or preference, but resists temptation to act on them immediately. Accepts feedback from others without being defensive. 明白哪些场合会引发你情绪失控, 明白你自己的偏见和好恶是什么, 并能够告诫自己不要立刻受这些情绪的驱动, 莽撞行事。当别人给你提意见的时候, 诚心接受, 不要总是跳起来反驳。(备注: 90%的人, 遇到批评会立刻反驳, 或者在心里反驳。如果你属于其他的10%, 你无疑会更成功。)
