Sonnet 13

Sonnet 13

IN that proud port[1] which her so goodly graceth,

Whiles her faire face she reares vp to the skie:

And to the ground her eie-lids low embaseth[2],

Most goodly temperature[3] ye may descry,

Myld humblesse mixt with awfull[4] maiesty,

For looking on the earth, whence she was borne[5]:

Her minde remembreth her mortalitie:

What so is fayrest shall to earth returne.

But that same lofty countenance seemes to scorne

Base thing, and thinke how she to heauen may clime:

Treading downe earth as lothsome and forlorne[6],

That hinders heauenly thoughts with drossy[7] slime.

Yet lowly still vouchsafe to looke on me,

Such lowlinesse shall make you lofty be.

[1] port:态度,举止,风采,姿态。

[2] embaseth:降低,减弱。

[3] temperature:最简单的意思是指人身上几种素质的混合体,即理性的心和行为举止。

[4] awfull:可怕的;有威严的,使人敬畏的。

[5] borne:她是亚当的后代,用泥做成。

[6] forlorne:暗指被抛弃和失去之义。

[7] drossy:不纯洁的,掺假的。
