2.A frightening adventure

2.A frightening adventure

Guilin's father, Li Hongyun, was serving Amushida with tea and cigarettes.When hearing that his son was going to teach in Erping, his face darkened suddenly.

"No way!" said Li Hongyun, thumping the table."I'll never agree on this no matter how you persuade me!"

"But I've made the promise.How can I break my word like a three-year-old?" Knowing his father's temper, Guilin explained patiently.However, his father wouldn't concede.

Seeing that more argument would only affect their relationship, Guilin stopped arguing with his father.After thinking for a while, he said to his father, "I will do as you wish.But you made me break my word.Don't blame me for damaging your reputation!"

Guilin said so just to calm his father.Early next morning when roosters crowed twice, he sneaked out with Amushida, heading for Erping.

Guilin's wife, Lu Jianfen, had gone to her parents' home located in Jiatuo Village.Guilin decided to go there and say goodbye to her and their kids before going to Erping.It took him two hours to walk across the mountains from Wanli Village to Jiatuo Village.The morning air in the mountains was cool and refreshing, as if it had been purified again and again, but Guilin still felt short of breath, for this was the first time in his life that he had sneaked away from home.

The day just broke when Guilin arrived at Jiatuo.He saw rosy clouds all over the sky and mountains standing silently.When Guilin looked back to the direction of his home, a rush of inexplicable sadness flooded his heart.

Jianfen was very surprised when her husband suddenly appeared.She couldn't believe her ears when hearing that Guilin would go and teach in Erping Primary School.

"Don't worry.I just go and make a visit.If things are bad, I'll come back." Guilin didn't want to say too much, fearing that more words would make it unbearable to leave.And he didn't even turn around when leaving Jiatuo.His wife behind him was totally at a loss watching his receding figure.

It was nearly 12 o'clock at noon when they arrived in Wusihe Town.Several villagers sent by Amushida had been waiting there since the day before.They were waiting for the new teacher, and wanted to help carry his luggage.

Seeing the teacher coming with empty hands, the villagers were both excited and disappointed.With mixed feelings, they set off for Erping silently.

A narrow iron chain bridge spans over the Dadu River, connecting the snow area in Wusihe Town of Hanyuan County and Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.

The road to Erping Village began from this bridge, which swayed like a swing when they walked on it.

The narrow bridge is sparsely paved with wooden planks in poor condition.Through the gaps between the planks and the holes in them, one could see the water of Dadu River rushing down violently with thunderous roar, making you tremble and feel dizzy.

Guilin had no choice but to tightly hold the shoulder-high railings on both sides of the bridge, and move ahead step by step in sway by treading closely on the chains.

He thought that after crossing the bridge, the road ahead would be definitely easier.What he did not know was that the biggest challenge in the journey was still waiting for him.

The Canyon of Dadu River is 26,000 meters long from south to north and 17,000 meters wide from east to west, with its narrowest part stretching only over 30 meters.On both sides of the Canyon stand towering mountains with sky-high peaks, bizarre crags and precipitous cliffs.The Dadu River and its intertwined tributaries have carved a very neat rock wall that is as thick as several thousand meters, a result of over a billion years of geological evolution.Looking down from the air, the Canyon is like a large and meandering rift, steep and magnificent.In December 2001, it was officially listed as one of the national geological parks in China with the name of "Sichuan Dadu River Canyon National Geopark".

It is easy to imagine how difficult it is to reach a village situated on the top of this park, renowned for its high mountains, steep cliffs and dangerous paths.

