《生命的所有可能》 精彩试读(12)

Time is a series of movements. So movement is time. And time is not only by the watch, chronological:time as the sun rising and the sun setting, the darkness of the night and the brightness of the morning. There is also psychological time, inward time: ‘I am this, but I will become that’; ‘I don’t know mathematics, but one day I will learn all about it.’ That requires time. To learn a new language requires a great deal of time. There is time to learn, to memorize, to develop a skill, and there is also time as the self-centred entity saying, ‘I will become something else.’ The ‘becoming’ psychologically also implies time. We are inquiring into not only the time to learn a skill but also the time which we have developed as a process of achievement. You do not know how to meditate, so you sit cross-legged and learn how to control your thoughts so that one day you will achieve what meditation is supposed to be. So you practise, practise, practise, and thus you become mechanical. That is, whatever you practise makes you mechanical.


So time is the past, the present, and the future. Time that is the past is all the memories, all the experiences, knowledge, and all that human beings have achieved. All that which remains in the brain as memory is the past. That is simple. The past—the memories, the kn3owledge, the experiences, the tendencies—the background is operating now. So you are the past. And the future is what you are now, perhaps modified. The future is the past modified. See this, please understand. The past, modified in the present, is the future. So if there is no radical change in the present, tomorrow will be the same as what you are today. So the future is now—not the future needed for acquiring knowledge, but the psychological future. That is, the psyche, the ‘me’, the self, is the past, is memory. That memory modifies itself now, and goes on. So the future and the past are in the present. All time—the past, the present and the future—is contained in the now. This is not complicated please, it is logical. So if you do not change now, instantly, the future will be what you are now, what you have been. So is it possible to change radically, fundamentally, now?—not in the future.


We are the past. There is no question about it. And that past gets modified by reaction, by challenges, in various ways. And that becomes the future. Look, you have had a civilization in this country for three to five thousand years. That is the past. But modern circumstances demand that you break away from the past, and so you have no culture any more. You may talk about your past culture and enjoy its past fame, but that past is blown up, scattered by the present demands, the present challenge. And that challenge, that demand is changing it into an economic entity.

