精选一批有特色的选修课,专题课与有影响的演讲.以课堂录音为底本,整理成书时秉持实 录精神,不避12语色彩,保留即兴发挥成分,力求原汁原味的现场氛围.希望借此促进校园 与社会的互动.让课堂走出大学围墙,使普通读者也能感知并进而关注当代校园知识、思想 与学术的进展动态和前沿问题. 三联讲坛 This series covers a gTeat array of college coun;es and speeches.se lected for their inteUectual distinction and scholarly excellence.The lectures were transcribed from classroom recordings and retain their stylis- tic character as they were originally delivered. Our hope is to open th e college classroom to the outside world and add a new dim ension to the interaction between university and society.The point is not only for th e comm on read er to get in touch with th e cutting-edge ideas on cam puses,but also for the acad em ia\'s search for knowledge to become more m eaningful by engaging people from the‘real world’