biding my time
drinking her wine
We talked until two
and then she said
“it's time for bed!”
She told me she worked
in the morning and started to laugh
I told her I didn't
and crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke
I was alone
This bird had flown
So I lit a fire
Isn't it good
Norwegian wood?
小注:歌词主要出自约翰?列侬之手。这首歌的真正含义是含蓄地讲述歌手的一次“偶发性艳遇”。歌词中的Norwegian wood实指当时流行北美的挪威木质家具乃至由其代表的北欧市内装修风格,也是对住在此种风格房子里的女孩的一种暗喻。英语中,“森林”一词多半用复数的woods,很少用单数的wood。由此可知,“挪威的森林”其实是出于误译。然而台湾、大陆甚至日本都有志一同把它译成“挪威的森林”。村上春树或许是尊重约定俗成,把它用作自己那本描述日本“披头一代”的小说书名。之后,沿袭用这个词汇者,族繁不及备载,无法收拾。不过大多数人都觉得,就算是错,它也错得很美丽。