经过春秋(公元前770-前476年)战国(公元前475-前221年)长期的动荡,封建制的周朝(公元前1046-前221年)覆灭了。在那大动乱的时代里,很多原本出身特权阶层的人失势之后不得不另谋生计。他们中很多人看到了动乱的原因,并提出如何纠正治理的对策。春秋时期,士阶层兴起。士向当权者建言献策,并效忠于各自的卿大夫(Hsu 1965)。孔子以及他的很多学生即是士的代表(Hsu 1965:34-37)。尽管失去了先前的特权地位,士仍然很快重新获得社会地位,成为显赫的社会与文化精英。有能力的士摆脱了对卿大夫的依附,开始发挥出比卿大夫更大的作用(Hsu 1965:8)。结果,当权者争相拉拢最有能力的谋士(Hsu 1999:572-583)。
The empire is in utter confusion,sagehood and excellence are not clarified,we do not have the one Way and Power... There is an analogy in the ears,eyes,nose and mouth;all have something they illuminate but they cannot exchange their functions,just as the various specialities of the Hundred Schools all have their strong points and at times turn out useful. However,they are not inclusive,not comprehensive;these are men each of whom has his own little corner.(Zhuangzi,Chapter 33,trans. Graham 2001:275)