
★ 论“养狗”


☆On Getting a Dog

“Who’s going to take care of it? You?... Son, you came in the house yesterday with shit on your hands. Human shit. I don’t know how that happened, but if someone has shit on their hands, it’s an indicator that maybe the whole responsibility thing isn’t for them.”

★ 论“每天洗澡”


☆On Showering with Regularity

“You’re ten years old now, you have to take a shower every day.... I don’t give a shit if you hate it. People hate smelly fuckers. I will not have a smelly fucker for a son.”

★ 论“乐高积木”



“Listen, I don’t want to stifle your creativity, but that thing you built there, it looks like a pile of shit.”

★ 论“学校的父亲日”


☆On Bring-Your-Dad-to-School Day

“Who are all these fucking parents who can take a day off? If I’m taking a day off, I ain’t gonna spend it sitting at some tiny desk with a bunch of eleven-year-olds.”

★ 论“六年级的家长会”


☆On My Sixth-Grade Parent-Teacher Conference

“I don’t think that teacher likes you, so I don’t like her. You ding off more shit than a pinball, but goddamn it, you’re a good kid. She can go fuck herself.”

★ 论“七年级的第一支舞”


☆On My First Dance in Seventh Grade

“Are you wearing perfume?... Son, there ain’t any cologne in this house, only your mother’s perfume. I know that scent, and let me tell you, it’s disturbing to smell your wife on your thirteen-year-old son.”

★ 论“不敢在小学厕所上大号”


☆On Being Afraid to Use the Elementary School Bathrooms to Defecate

“Son, you’re complaining to the wrong man. I can shit anywhere, at any time. It’s one of my finer qualities. Some might say my finest.”

★ 论“我在少儿棒球联盟选拔赛五十米短跑得到最后一名”


☆On My Last-Place Finish in the 50-Yard Dash During Little League Tryouts

“It kinda looked like you were being attacked by a bunch of bees or something. Then when I saw the fat kid with the watch who was timing you start laughing.... Well, I’ll just say it’s never a good sign when a fat kid laughs at you.”


