
关心亚洲问题学者委员会(CCAS Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars)

中国共产党(CCP Chinese Communist Party)

蒋经国国际学术基金会(CCKF Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange)

东亚中心(1957-1961)(CEAS Center for East Asian Studies)

国际事务研究中心(CFIA Center for International Affairs)

政府和国际研究中心(CGIS Center for Government and International Studies)

中国季刊(CQ China Quarterly)

东亚法律研究项目(EALSP East Asian Legal Studies program)

东亚语言与文明系(EALC Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations)

东亚研究中心(1961~1977)(EARC East Asian Re-search Center)

文理学院(FAS Faculty of Arts and Sciences)

费正清东亚研究中心(1977至今)(FCEAR Fairbank Center for East Asian Research)

文理研究生院(GSAS Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)

哈佛当代中国书系(HCCS Harvard Contemporary China Series)

历史和东亚语言项目(HEAL History and East Asian Languages)

哈佛东亚专著丛书(HEAM Harvard East Asian Mono-graph series)

哈佛国际发展中心(HIID Harvard Institute for Inter-national Development)

哈佛法学院(HLS Harvard Law School)

哈佛医学院(HMS Harvard Medical School)

哈佛大学亚洲中心(HUAC Harvard University Asia Center)

哈佛大学出版社(HUP Harvard University Press)
