
2 Expressing Yourself



Giving Praise

1. 你今天看起来很高兴!You seem so happy today!

2. 你穿这件衣服太漂亮了.You look beautiful in this clothes!

3.她的身材很好!She has a great figure!

4.他的汉语很地道!His Chinese is like that of a native!

5.你的男朋友很帅!Your boyfriend is so handsome!

6. 你妈妈做的饭很好吃!Your mother’s cooking is delicious!

7. 这家饭店的服务很好!The service in this restaurant is great!

8. 那家饭店的菜很正宗!The dishes in this restaurant are very authentic!

9.你家的小狗很可爱!Your little dog is so lovely!

10.从来没见过这么美的风景!I have never seen such beautiful scenery!

11.我第一次吃这么好吃的蛋糕.This is the first time I‘ve eaten a cake so delicions!

12.没想到你的英语这么好!I never imagined your Eng- lish would be so good

13.你很了不起!You are terrific!

14.他的经验很丰富.He has a wealth of experience.

15.你真是一个中国通.You really are a China hand.

16.这个新发型很适合你.This new hairstyle really suits you.

17.你是最棒的!You are the best!

18.他的工作总是完成得很好!He always does a good at work.

19.干得好!Well done!

20.他从不迟到!He is never late!


Giving Encouragement

1. 加油!Go for it!

2. 我相信你!I believe in you!

3.试一试!Just try!

4.我们支持你!We support you!

5.再坚持一下!Just persevere a bit!

6. 别放弃!Don’t give up!

7. 相信自己!Believe in yourself!

8. 你不会让我们失望的!You won‘t disappoint us!

9.第一次失败了没关系,你还有机会.It’s OK to fail the first time, there are other opportunities.

10.你肯定能成功!You will definitely succeed!

11.只有尝试了才知道行不行!Only when you try will you know if it‘s OK!

12. 祝你好运!Good luck!

13.别紧张!Don’t worry!

14.不要半途而废!Don‘t give up half way!

15.你快成功了!You will soon succeed!

16.我们都觉得你是最棒的!We all think you are the best!

17.再耐心一点儿!Be a little patient!
