International financial crisis(8)


We can’t wait any longer before investing in training, research and innovation in order to achieve the digital revolution.…

This is why … I wanted our universities to be independent and why part of the capital of EDF has been sold to fund the modernization of our campuses. I also wanted to give our universities ownership of the intellectual property rights for their discoveries and give them the resources to capitalize on them. We are going to develop this system still further.

As regards research, with the rate of the crédit d’impot recherche raised to 30% (of investment on R&D), we now have the best, the most ambitious system for encouraging research by our businesses. The reform of our public research system will be pursued until its completion. A national strategy for research will be defined.

We are going to go on making training and research a budget priority, regardless of today’s problems,

All these challenges are immense.

But France, the France we love can meet them. I’ve confidence in the French. I’ve confidence in France’s strengths. I’m certain our reforms are going to work. I’m certain that through our efforts France will be able to take her due place in the world of the twenty-first century. I’m certain that we will succeed in rebuilding capitalism on a sounder basis.

Never, I realize, since 1958 have so many changes been made in such a short space of time. When the global economic situation improves again – since it will get better again because mankind’s history is the history of crises and then recoveries –, when it gets better again, we’ll see all the fruits of these efforts in the stability of our finances, jobs, purchasing power and everyone’s wellbeing. I have no illusions about the gravity of the crisis, but I’m optimistic about France’s strengths.

I’m determined to go on modernizing our economy and society whatever the difficulties because we no longer have any choice but to do so, because, in my heart of hearts, I’m convinced that there’s no other workable path for France.

At a time when old ideas and old structures are being swept away, our strategy is to be imaginative, to be bold.

We have the choice: to sit on our hands or take the lead. My choice is made.

My dear compatriots,

In the midst of these difficulties we must be ahead of the pack, not following behind, and in this way France will be true to herself. She will be true to her history and to her values.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Long live the Republic!

Long live France./.

(1) revenu de solidarité active – inclusion income support comparable to the US EITC (earned income tax credit) and British WFTC (working families’ tax credit), providing additional income support for anyone on minimum social benefits who starts a job, or new job.

(2) minimum level of income required to live.

(3) a financial reward (bonus) for purchasers of environmentally-friendly new cars and a financial penalty (malus) for those buying cars emitting high levels of CO2. The aim of the scheme is to speed up the removal from French roads of old polluting vehicles and their replacement by new green ones and encourage vehicle manufacturers to develop ever greener vehicles and concentrate their sales efforts on these.

(4) the “Grenelle Environnement” is a conference bringing together the government, local authorities, trade unions, business and voluntary sectors to draw up a plan of action of concrete measures to tackle the environmental issue.

(5) R&D tax credit designed to increase firms’ competitiveness by bolstering their R&D effort.

