Sydney Opera House Holds a Concert for Canines

“Laurie Anderson has composed a 20 minute work especially for thehearing range of dogs—who can hear frequencies far outside the humanaudio spectrum. Taking the idea of the apparently inaudible dog whistleto new artistic heights, our canine friends will be treated to a gloriouscacophony of sound, while all we will hear is the lapping of the water onthe harbor.

The morning will be an inter-species social gathering on a scale neverseen before in Australia.

Breakfast can be purchasedon site including freshlybrewed coffee and egg& bacon rolls, while youwatch dog demonstrationsand be surprised by somevery special guests.This is an eventthat you’ll be yappingabout for years tocome, an absolute mustfor any dog and theirtwo legged friends!”

That’s the ad ofa concert for dogs.

Hu n d r e d s o fdogs and their ownershave descended on the Sydney Opera House for a concert specifically forcanines.

Organizers say the event, the work of American musician and artistLaurie Anderson, is the first of its kind.

Ms Anderson called it “an inter-species social gathering on a scalenever seen before in Australia”.

It featured the cries of whales and high-pitched electronic soundsinaudible to human ears, accompanied by a bass guitar and violin.

For an hour or so Australia’s most recognizable building became agiant kennel.

The sounds sent some agitated pets into a frenzy, while others seemedrather bemused.

“Most dogs are fine with it but we had to move away because he wasgetting a little bit freaked out by the whale noises,” said one dog owner.

Ms Anderson said it was one of the best moments of her career.

“Supposedly, they are sort of like bats and whales that they can hearsuper high things and they can. Their hearing is so much better than ours.

“We didn’t want to do something that humans couldn’t hear too, sowe chose a different bunch of things. A lot of dogs seem to enjoy classicalmusic, frankly.”

While the dogs’ owners certainly enjoyed the show, we’ll never knowwhat their four-legged friends made of it.

These pets were a tough crowd. There were plenty of barks, howlsand yawns along with the occasional snarl as the Sydney Opera Housewitnessed a piece of canine musical history.

