Emily: Allen, what does P&G standfor?

Allen: It is short for Procter &Gamb l e . P&G i s t h e b i g g e s thousehold products manufacturer inAmerica.

Emily: I know Head & Shoulders,the shampoo brand I use belongs toP&G.

Allen: Yeah, other famous brandslike Ariel, Pantene, Fabreze are allpart of P&G.

Emi l y : Wh a t ’ s a b o u t P&G’ scompetitiveness?

Allen: P&G outperforms Unilever,Nestle and Johnson.

Emily: I’ve seen lots of TV commercialsof P&G. I suppose it must have investeda lot of money in promotion.

Allen: Sure. P&G is one of the world’sbiggest advertisers.
