the dreams start-up the future

Emily: Allen, what do you think ofGeneral Electric?

Allen: Pretty outstanding. Its slogan“the dreams start-up the future” isso impressive.

Emily: What corporation exactly isit?

Allen: The General Electric Company isan American multinational conglomeratecorporation, meanwhile, it’s a globalinfrastructure, finance and mediacompany.

Emily: Who are the founders of GEand what achievements has GE made?

Allen: Thomas Edison, Elihu Thomsonand Edwin Houston are co-founderof GE in 1878. In emerging markets,environmental solutions, demographicsand digital connections, GE is a leadingcompany.

Emily: What kind of leaders does GEtake interest in?

Allen: Attributes of vision, passionand deep sensitivity to the big issuesthat challenge the world aroundthem.
