Emily: Wow, Allen, you finallymanage to buy the latest iPhone 4.
where did you buy it?
Allen: Yeah, you know, the companyoperates over 300 retail stores in tencountries. My parents bought it forme from England.
Emily: I just can’t figure out whyso many people would wait in longqueue only to buy iPhone or iPad.
Allen: It’s mainly due to Apple’sphi losophy of comprehens iveaesthetic design and its distinctiveadvertising campaigns. Apple hasestablished a unique reputation inthe consumer electronics industry.
Emily: And what other productsdoes Apple sell?
Al len: Apple Inc. des igns andmarkets consumer electronics,computer software, and personalcomputers like iPad.
Emily: Gotcha, do you know whothe founder of Apple Inc is and howhe makes it so popular?
Al len: I t mus t be Steven PaulJobs. As chief executive officer, heattached much importance to thefunction and elegance of Appleproducts.