
In 1917, Bertie Charles Forbes, known as B. C. Forbes, launchedForbes magazine, the biweekly business publication geared for topdecision makers. Scottish immigrant B.C. Forbes came to New York in1904, and got his first job by offering to work for nothing as a reporter forThe Journal of Commerce. A dozen years later he had become a widelysyndicated business columnist. In 1917, as an outlet for his outpouringsthat were too voluminous for his daily column and his other magazinefeature articles, he foundedForbes.

In 1946, following World War II, B.C.’s sons, Bruce and MalcolmForbes, joined the company. Bruce headed advertising in Detroit, andMalcolm was assistant publisher. When B.C. Forbes died in 1954, Brucebecame president and Malcolm the editor-in-chief and publisher.

Besides Malcolm and Bruce, there were three other brothers: Duncan,who died in his teens, Gordon who died in 1987, and Wal ace, now president ofForbes Investors Advisory Institute. In 1964, Bruce Forbes died of cancer at theage of 48. Then, Malcolm became the president and editor-in-chief, and made aForbes a household name when it came to business and investing.

Malcolm died at the age of 70 in 1990. Forbes, Inc. passed to his foursons and his daughter, Moira.

Today, Steve Forbes is Chairman and CEO of Forbes and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine; his brother Tim Forbes is President and Chieflaunch  [lC:ntF7 lB:ntF] v. 开办(新企业)biweekly  [bai5wi:kli] adj. 每两周一次的gear  [giE] v. 使……适应syndicated  [5sindikitid] adj. 成为企业组合的columnist  [5kClEmnist] n. 专栏作家outlet  [5autlet] n. 销路outpouring  [5aut7pC:riN] n. 销量voluminous  [vE5lju:minEs] adj. 大量的household  [5haushEuld] adj. 家喻户晓的-004-英文读天下畅谈财富名人榜Operating Officer of Forbes; Christopher Forbes is Vice Chairman of Forbes.

Robert Forbes is Vice President of Forbes and President of ForbesLife.





