Law and Politics 法律和政治(3)

News Item3


News Background

新闻背景  非法移民主要包括两类:其一,非法入境,即无合法入境手续而入境,就是通常所称的偷渡。其二,合法入境非法滞留。随着国际交往的频繁发生,非法移民现象在全球来看,已经不是一个新问题了。从全球非法移民情况发展来看,非法移民带来了多方面的问题,例如非法劳工、违法犯罪行为、社会不安定因素增加等。非法移民往往逃避社会监管,造成传染病控制困难、恶性事件增加等,甚至诱发群体性事件。此外,非法移民往往非法务工、营业,还造成所在国的税收流失。种种问题,不一而足,给非法移民的所在国带来巨大的压力,促使各国纷纷出台各种各样越来越严格的法律规定或者管理措施,逐步加大了对此问题的处理力度。

News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

violence between African agricultural migrants and local residents in the southern region ofCalabria is evidence of the negative consequences of illegal immigration.)The interior minister said about 750 illegal immigrants, were transferred to holding centersin the southern cities of Crotone and Bari. He added that more than 300 with regular permits leftRosarno voluntarily with their own means to other destinations.

He said the illegal entry into Italian territory represents thebasis for the marginalization and exploitation of foreigners andoften becomes the reservoir for recruiting laborers by criminalorganizations.

Maroni said 42,000 immigrants were repatriated in thepast two years. He added that since an agreement was reachedNews Transcript with Libya, arrivals by boat on the Italian southern coast have dropped by 90percent.

He added arrivals are down from more than 30,000 to just more than3,000, mainly thanks to the government’s new ’push-back’ policy to Libya.

Maroni also said the government plans to further intensify its fightagainst illegal labor in the agricultural sector as part of its plan to moreeffectively combat illegal immigration, black-market labor and every form oforganized crime.  

parliament n.

议会immigration n.

移民transfer v.

转移destination n.

目的地marginalizationn. 边缘化repatriate v.

把……遣返回国intensify v.

强化combat v.


Listening Comprehension听力理解

1 The interior minister said about illegal immigrants,were transferred to holding centers in the ofCrotone and Bari.

2 Which statement is not right according to the context? ( )A. The interior minister added that more than 200 with regular permits leftRosarno voluntarily with their own means to other destinations.

B. Maroni said 42,000 immigrants were repatriated in the past two years.

C. Maroni added that since an agreement was reached with Libya, arrivals byboat on the Italian southern coast have dropped by 90 percent.

D. All of the above are not right.

3 Maroni also said the government plans to further intensify its fight againstillegal labor in the agricultural sector as part of its plan to more effectivelycombat ? ( )A. illegal immigrationB. black-market laborC. every form of organized crime.

D. All of the above are right.

1. 750; southern cities2. A 3. D Key1 Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told the upper house of parliament that recent violencebetween African agricultural migrants and local residents in the southern region of Calabriais evidence of the negative consequences of illegal immigration. negative consequences是不好的,不良的结果,如果不用negative直接用consequence也有不良影响的意思。illegalimmigration是固定个搭配非法移民的意思。

2 He added that more than 300 with regular permits left Rosarno voluntarily with their own meansto other destinations.句中的add的意思是“还说,接着说”的意思,是及物动词。例如I’ll add a few words when you finish.(你说完后我接着说几句。)add还有别的意思,如“把……包括在内,加进,插入(常与 in 连用) ”Don’t forget to add in the tip.(别忘了把小费也算上。)3 He added that since an agreement was reached with Libya, arrivals by boat on the Italiansouthern coast have dropped by 90 percent. add引出一个宾语从句,其中,由since引导的anagreement was reached with Libya做时间状语。句子的主语是arrivals by boat on the Italiansouthern coast。By 加数字是下降了百分之就是,to加数字是“下降到……”的意思。
