Global Interesting News 环球趣闻(15)

News Item1 3


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News Transcript VOA 新闻梗概

In small towns across the American West, a favorite form of entertainment is the rodeo. It’s ashow and competition in which modern-day cowboys ride bucking horses and ornery bulls.

(Clowning around distracts bulls after riders fall.)When a rider charges out of the chute atop and agitated bucking bull, he can easily get intodeadly trouble. That’s where two cowboys in clown outfi ts, standing in the ring beside the chute,fi t into the rodeo scene. Like the competitors, they usually have on board–brimmed hats, bootsand blue jeans.

But their most important job is to whistle, shout, fl ap their arms and run about crazily to turnthe attention of an unhappy, 500 kilogram animal with sharp horns away from a fallen rider. It’sbetter to have the bull chasing nimble clowns than goring an injured bull rider.

(Rodeo clowns earn respect and a good income)The clowns can make a handsome living without ever getting on a horse or bull. RodeosNews Item1 3

Listening Comprehension


1. the American West; modern-day cowboys2. D 3. C Keyeven developed an event just for them. It’s called bullfi ghting, in which clownsearn points, prize money and lots of laughs by artfully evading grouchy bulls.

When rodeo clowns are too crippled, or too old, to work the ring any longer,most of these men – and almost all of them are male – fi nd work anywhere theycan to stay around a rodeo.

1 In small towns across , a favorite form of entertainment isthe rodeo. It’s a show and competition in which ride buckinghorses and ornery bulls.

2 Like the competitors, the cowboys ( )A. Clowning around distracts bulls after riders fall.

B. Two cowboys in clown outfi ts, standing in the ring beside the chute, fi t intothe rodeo scene.

C. Clowns usually have on broad-brimmed hats, boots and blue jeans.

D. All the above.

3 According to the context, which one is not right? ( )A. The clowns can make a handsome living without ever getting on a horse orbull.

B. Rodeos even developed an event just for the cowboys.

C. Rodeo clowns earn respect and a low income.

D. It’s called bullfi ghting, in which clowns earn points, prize money and lots oflaughs by artfully evading grouchy bulls.

rodeo n.

骑术竞技会ornery a.

脾气坏的chute n.

斜槽agitated a.

焦虑的,不安的flap v.

拍打nimble a.

敏捷的grouchy a.

不高兴的crippled a.



当牛仔从斜槽顶部掉下来,并激怒跳跃的公牛时,他就无疑陷入了致命的危险境地。这就是为什么在角力场上的斜槽附近,会有两个穿着全套小丑服装的牛仔,映衬着竞技场面。 和竞技小丑一样,他们通常也戴着宽边帽,穿着长靴和牛仔裤。





1 It’s a show and competition in which modern-day cowboys ride bucking horses and ornerybulls.“in which”引导定语从句,这种由介词加关系代词引导的限定分句多用于正式语体。例:this is the room in which i lived= this is the room where I lived从根本上讲,在定语从句中,介+which=where。

2 It’s better to have the bull chasing nimble clowns than goring an injured bull rider.句子的主要结构是 “It’s better to do something”最好做某事,但to后面接的是 “have somethingor someone doing something”使某人做某事,than是比较动词,前后衔接的成分应该保持一致,前面是chasing后面就应该是goring。

3 Rodeo clowns earn respect and a good income. Rodeo clowns是竞技小丑的意思。
