North Carolina Primary Night(4)

zed and never been waged. They can t afford four more years of our veterans returning to broken?down barracks and substandard care. They need us to end a war that isn t making us safer. They need us to treat them with the care and respect they deserve. That s why I m running for President.

The man I met in Pennsylvania who lost his job but can t even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one he can t afford four more years of an energy policy written by the oil companies and for the oil companies; a policy that s not only keeping gas at record prices, but funding both sides of the war on terror and destroying our planet in the process. He doesn t need four more years of Washington policies that sound good, but don t solve the problem. He needs us to take a permanent holiday from our oil addiction by making the automakers raise their fuel standards, corporations pay for their pollution, and oil companies invest their record profits in a clean energy future. That s the change we need. And that s why I m running for President.

The people I ve met in small towns and big cities across this country understand that government can t solve all our problems and we don t expect it to. We believe in hard work. We believe in personal responsibility and self?reliance.

But we also believe that we have a larger responsibility to one another as Americans that America is a place that America is the place where you can make it if you try. That no matter how much money you start with
