Presumptive Democratic Nominee Speech(2)

untry better. They are leaders of this party, and leaders that America will turn to for years to come.

That is particularly true for the candidate who has traveled further on this journey than anyone else. Senator Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign not just because she s a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she s a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight.

We ve certainly had our differences over the last sixteen months. But as someone who s shared a stage with her many times, I can tell you that what gets Hillary Clinton up in the morning even in the face of tough odds is exactly what sent her and Bill Clinton to sign up for their first campaign in Texas all those years ago; what sent her to work at the Children s Defense Fund and made her fight for health care as First Lady; what led her to the United States Senate and fueled her barrier?breaking campaign for the presidency an unyielding desire to improve the lives of ordinary Americans, no matter how difficult the fight may be. And you can rest assured that when we finally win the battle for universal health care in this country, she will be central to that victory. When we transform our energy policy and lift our children out of poverty, it will be because she worked to help make it happen. Our party and our country are better off because of her, and I am a better candidate for having ha
