The Last Rally(5)

a bad story about me in the New York Times. I go downstairs after I pack, and my umbrella blows open and I get soaked, so by the time I get in the car I am mad, I am wet and I am sleepy.

We drive, and we drive, and we drive. It turns out that Greenwood is about an hour and a half from everywhere else. Finally we get to Greenwood.

First of all you do not know you re in Greenwood when you get to Greenwood, there aren t a lot of tall buildings in Greenwood. We pull off to a small building a little field house in a park and we go inside, and low and behold, after an hour and a half drive, turns out there are 20 people there. Twenty people. They look all kind of damp and sleepy, maybe they aren t really excited to be there either.

But I am a professional, I ve got to do what I got to do. I m going around, I m shaking hands, I am saying How are you doing? What are you doing?

As I go around the room suddenly I hear this voice cry out behind me fired up. I m shocked. I jumped up. I don t know what is going on. But everyone else acts as though this were normal and they say fired up. Then I hear this voice say ready to go. And the 20 people in the room act like this happens all the time and they say ready to go .

I don t know what s going on so I looked behind me and there is this small woman, about 60 years old, a little over 5 feet, looks like she just came from church she s got on a big church hat. She s standing there, she looks at me and she smiles and she says fired up
