The Last Rally(1)

Manassas, Prince William County, Virginia

November 3, 2008

What a scene. What a crowd. Thank you for Virginia.

Let me start by noting, Virginia that this is our last rally. This is the last rally of a campaign that began nearly 2 years ago. We ve gone to every corner of this country, from here in Northern Virginia to the rocky coasts of Maine, to the open plains of Texas, to the open skies of Montana.

I just want to say that whatever happens tomorrow, I have been deeply humbled by this journey. You have welcomed Michelle and me and the girls into your homes. You have shared your stories of struggle, you have spoken of your dreams, along the way, talking with all of you about your own lives.

You have enriched my life, you have moved me again and again. You have inspired me. Sometimes when I have been down you have lifted me up. You filled me with new hope for our future and you have reminded me about what makes America so special. In the places I have gone and the people I have met, I have been struck again and again by the fundamental decency and generosity and dignity of men and women who work hard without complaint, to meet their responsibilities every day.

I come away with an unyielding belief that if we only had a government as responsible as all of you, as compassionate as the American people, that there is no obstacle that we can t overcome. There is no destiny that we cannot fulfill.

Virginia, I have just one word for you, just one word. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. After deca
