
  9. 你生在北京长在北京, 也就是说, 你只想留在北京, 不能去别的地方工作了?You grew up in Beijing, does it mean you only want to work here? You don’t want to go to any other places to work?

  回答示范: 那倒不是, 我选择的是公司, 并不在乎工作地点。诺基亚让我去哪里工作都可以, 外省, 周边郊县, 无所谓。No, I choose the company, not the work place. I would love to go anywhere Nokia sends me, other provinces, or suburban areas. I don’t mind.

  10. 你是党员啊, 为什么要入党?怎么入的党?做了党员对你有什么影响?You are a Communist Party Member. Why did you choose to join? How did you join? What impact does the membership have on you?(备注: 完全没有必要隐藏自己的党员身份, 即使你是在外企面试。)

  回答示范: 学校会选择一些品学兼优的学生入党, 所以党员身份意味着我在学生时代的良好表现。对于我来说, 党员身份提醒着我更自律。你知道, 总不能给这个荣誉抹黑吧。The school chooses those students who are excellent both in study and campus activities to join the Communist Party. For me, the membership shows my excellcent performance as a student, reminds me of self-discipline, you know, I can't dishonor it.

  11. 你有男朋友吗?Do you have a boyfriend?(备注: 的确有中国面试官询问这个颇令人尴尬的问题!一般来说, 这样的面试官喜欢直来直去的候选人, 你不妨如实相告。)

  三、 “教育”可能引发的提问

  12. 为什么选择了这所大学?Why did you choose to go to this school?(备注: 只有某些特殊的学校会引发这个问题, 比如说国际关系学院, 或者青年政治学院等等。)

  13. 为什么选择这个专业?What made you choose this major?

  14. 你的成绩怎么样?跟别的同学相比呢?How is your study compared with other students?

  15. 你的成绩比较好, 你是怎么做到的?You study well, and how do you manage that?

  16. 你喜欢什么课程, 不喜欢什么课程?What courses do you like most, and dislike most?

  17. 你的成绩单上有不及格的记录, 为什么会这样?You failed this test, and why?(备注: 只有极少数要求应届毕业生提供成绩单的招聘单位会问到这个问题。)

  回答示范: 不及格是因为我没有重视那门课程, 因为我觉得课程很不实用, 很空洞, 所以产生了逆反心理。其实的确不是因为我不认真学习, 那一年, 我别的成绩很好。(或者说, 那一年我做了很多的兼职。)I failed that test simply because I didn’t take it seriously. I felt the course was empty and a total waste of time, so I wanted to protest against it by not studying it. I regret it now but regret doesn’t help. please don’t misunderstand that I’m an irresponsible student, I did quite well in other tests that year. (Or I held quite a lot of part-time jobs that year.)

  18. 你为什么选择这个第二专业?Why did you select this as your second major?

  19. 为什么不考研? You haven’t planned to get a Master’s Degree?

  20. 你读研究生是保送的吗?什么条件能获得报送?Are you a school-sponsored postgraduate? How does one qualify for a school-sponsored postgraduate?

  回答示范: 对, 是这样, 我保送是因为我成绩是前5%, 前15%的学生都可以保送。Yes, you are right. I didn’t need to take the exams because I ranked top 5% in my class. The top 15% could go to postgraduate school without taking exams.
