
  回答示范1: My least favorite courses include Marxism and Revolutionary History of China. I don’t like these subjects not because I am not a patriot─actually I love my country and I am fascinated by its revolutionary history. However, these subjects turned out to be disappointments as the textbooks and the ways they were taught were nothing but a repetition of the history subjects in our secondary school.

  点评1: 在和老外面试的时候, 要注意文化差异, 他可能很难理解中国学生为什么不喜欢学“马哲”和“中国革命史”, 所以你需要解释一下, 这并非是我们不爱国, 而是这两门课程几十年如一日的老面孔, 学生在高中就已经学过, 老师也不愿意对教学法进行创新。

  回答示范2: I found Macroeconomics and Microeconomics disappointing as well, for the reason that their information fell behind the times. For example, the exchange rate between RMB and USD stilled remained 8.3 : 1 in the text! You can imagine how disappointed we were. So I spent more time listening to the lectures on economics organized by the Student Union.

  点评2: 这个答案相比而言更好一些, 因为它体现出了申请人对知识的渴望, 以及在课堂上得不到知识时如何去自我进修。

  7. Other than the courses you studied, what is the most important thing you learned from your college experience? 除了学习方面, 你在大学里面最大的收获是什么?

  问题分析: 外国面试官的思维往往非常直接, 他坚持认为, 只有在大学里面有巨大收获的人, 才能在工作岗位上取得巨大收获。所以说, 千万不要天真地说: 我在大学里学会了自理, 学会了安排自己的生活!晕, 这是baby的成就, 绝对不能拿到大学里面来说了!

  回答示范1: Well, I think the most important thing I have learnt in university is how to set appropriate goals and see them through. You know it is so easy for university students to waste time if they don’t set goals, so I set demanding goals to motivate myself. One is that I decided to get scholarships each year, the other one is that I decided to be the leader of a club on campus. Neither was easy, but in more than three years, I managed to achieve both. (点评: 面试官一定会追问你是怎么实现两个目标的。) Getting scholarship wasn’t quite difficult for me. Running for Presidency of a club, however, was more difficult than I expected as there was so much competition. To achieve the goal I changed my strategy. I transferred from the Student Union to a newly-founded union. And within 6 months, I acquired more than 20 members and organized a few eye-catching activities. As a result, I became the leader of that club. I think I've learnt not only to set a demanding goal, but also how to overcome all the difficulties to achieve it.

  点评1: 这是一个很漂亮的回答, 体现了自己的优点: 既能够给自己设立比较高的目标, 也擅长克服困难, 实现自己的目标。面试官最喜欢的人选, 就是这种“目标导向型”的申请人。

  回答示范2: My biggest achievement in my college life, I think, is that I have learnt to make choices. You know, there are various activities and part time jobs on campus, each sounds attractive. I’ve carefully chosen some of them which can help to achieve my long term career goal. I have said "no" to lots of invitations, like the dancing contests each year. I only participated in one of them and decided that rehearsals occupy too much time. In my opinion, nothing is more important than making the right choice.
